Top 10 Tips for Rookie Beekeepers with Laryssa Kwoczak - Beekeeping Made Simple
In this Galena FarmsBeekeeper Feature we showcase Lisa Kwoczak from Beekeeping Made Simple as she shares the most important lessons she’s learned from 30 years of beekeeping.
Whether you're just starting or have been at it for years, these practical tips will help you avoid common mistakes and improve your beekeeping experience.
Here are the key takeaways:
Start with a Langstroth-style beehive for easy access to equipment and help.
Master queen spotting early, while your hive is small, for easier management later.
Pay attention to bee space to prevent unwanted comb building.
Understand that not all hives will survive – a 70% survival rate is normal.
Use the correct frame sizes for each box and keep it consistent.
Consider using all medium boxes and frames for simplicity.
You're breeding bees, so manage swarming by splitting hives.
Let queen cells stay in the hive and give them time to hatch.
Practice lazy beekeeping – checking the hive less often can be beneficial.
Remember, every hive is different and requires unique care.
Don’t miss out on these insights that can help you keep your bees happy and healthy!