Fun Facts About Daffodils
These hardy trumpets bloom early in the year and have many names, myths and legends tied to it.
The Greek legend of Narcissus is tied to this flower. In the classical myth, a beautiful youth became so entranced with his own reflection that he pined away for himself. As a punishment for his vanity, the gods turned him into this flower.
In Ancient Rome, they were prized for their sap, which was thought to contain healing properties. Though they were treasured by the Romans, they faded into the shadows for centuries before re-emerging during the 1600s, when the English gave them a place in the garden.
In Wales if you find the first one of the year, you'll be rich.
In China if you grow one for the New Years celebration you'll have good luck.
For generations, poultry farmers were convinced that this flower was unlucky and would stop their hens from laying eggs.
Giving a single one of these flowers will bring someone bad luck.
Planting Requirements For Daffodils
Light: In the late winter/early springtime, there's not much sunlight that Daffodils could pull from. It should be no surprise then that Daffodils will grow in full sun or partial shade.
Soil: Most daffodils tolerate a range of soils but grow best in moderately fertile, well-drained soil that is kept moist during the growing season. They are susceptible to rot when kept too wet, so make sure that you plant them in a well-draining spot.
Spacing: In the picture above, the bed of Daffodils are pretty tightly packed. Daffodils will tolerate crowding, but they prefer to be spaced about 3 to 6 inches apart if it can be helped.
Planting Time: Daffodils grow from a bulb that should be planted in September - November.
Zones: Daffodils are hardy in zones 3-8.
Time of Bloom: This beautiful flowers can bloom from late February through May. Once planted, the bulbs will flower again every spring, usually in increasing numbers.